
Friday, May 7, 2010

Jump Up

A challenge is a chance to jump up to a higher level of
Performance. Take that opportunity and run with it.

If you haven't been as effective as you know you can be, a
Difficult challenge will change that. Because the challenge
Will leave you with no other choice.

Yes, it's inconvenient and uncomfortable and just plain hard
Work. But think of what will happen when you choose to run
Out and embrace it.

You'll make yourself stronger, more capable, with greater
Discipline, focus and effectiveness. Not only will you
Create something of great value, you'll then be perfectly
Positioned to create even greater value on top of that.

You'll run faster when you're chasing after something, or
When there's something chasing you. You'll discover that you
Can do it, and you'll discover how great it feels to give
Your very best.

When a challenge jolts you awake, jump out of your slumber
And hit the ground running. Be pleasantly amazed at where
You can take yourself when there's a challenge pushing you
~Ralph Marston~

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