✿Love between siblings is something special that brings light in one’s life.✿
✿It is special for it teaches a lot of things such as:✿
✿It gives you a partner in who you can confide ✿
✿Staying together during tough times ✿
✿It gives a special person who is more than a friend ✿
✿It also teaches sacrifice and conceding as it happens with the elder brother or sister among the siblings✿
✿To a younger brother or sister, he may be a guide to help traverse the complicated path of growing up. ✿
✿To an older brother, a little brother may be seen as a tag along and pain in the neck.✿
✿As much as siblings squabble when they are young, this is not a sign that they do not love each other.✿
✿Most siblings would lay down their life for each other if someone threatened their sibling.✿
✿As children grow up they usually find it easier to get along and relate to each other in rewarding ways.✿
They're there for the good times,
And everything in between~
The ones you go to for help,
For comfort,
For advice.
When you blue~
brother's so sweet
in times of need he is there
brother's so responsible
they teach us a lot of things
There's no other love like the love for a brother. There's no other love like the love from a brother. ~
brother is one who is cute
by uttering sweet words he makes us mute
brother is one with whom we can share our thought
brother is a god sent gift
when we are is sorrow he gives us a lift
Brotheris always there when I need a shoulder to cry on?
Who is the one I can go to when Im in any need?
brother never judges me
He is always there with a hug
Though we always fight !
Dont Ever Loose Your brother
And always keep him near
Never say you hate him
Tell him your always there
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