
Saturday, January 17, 2009

Kissing lessons

Are you a woman?
Are you tired of guys complaining that you are a horrible kisser?
Would you like to learn some new techniques in a fun and safe environment?

Well you are in luck my friend! Right now you can take advantage of this once in a lifetime offer. I'm offering FREE, thats right, absolutely FREE kissing lessons to the first 500 women who apply. So don't delay, those 500 free offers are going fast!
If you act RIGHT NOW you will receive training on the following types of kisses:

1.) French kissing
2.) Eskimo kissing
3.) Electric shock kissing
4.) Ear kissing
5.) Neck kissing
6.) Spiderman kissing
7.) Breath Kissing
8.) Underwater Kissing
9.) Vacuum Kissing
And much much more!!!!

So what are you waiting for?? Here are some testimonials from people just like you who have gone through this 5 hour course and come out the other side an expert kisser!!

"I used to kiss guys and their reaction was always the same, they would say "you are not a very good kisser, I'm dumping you". But now thanks to this amazing course I've received all kinds of compliments, and I'm married now!!" - Katie (A Real customer)

"I used to never get a date, but thanks to this kissing course I can really impress a guy with my tongue abilities, and he will overlook the fact that I am 600 pounds! All thanks to these amazing kissing lessons!!" - Jane (Not just a figment of my imagination)

There you have it, so what are YOU waiting for? Pick up the phone now! And then put it back down and send me an email for an awe inspiring experience!!

You won't regret it!!

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