
Thursday, December 25, 2008

Your PETS Talk to YOU

When your dog says "Woof," you hear an eager, "Let's take a walk." And your cat has a certain entitled meow that you know means, "Put more food in my bowl — now!"

You are not alone.

About 67% of pet owners say they understand their animals' barks, purrs and other sounds, according to an Associated poll released Wednesday.

In a finding many parents of teenagers might envy, 62% of owners say that when they speak their pets get the message.

When dogs are happy or feeling friendly, their mouths open with a nice display of tongue. In this photo, DOG's mouth is wide open in a happy smile. He's looking at someone, indicating interest and curiosity.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could talk, like Dr. Doolittle, to the animals? Of course it would, but take heart: We actually can talk with them, in a manner of speaking. Human vocabulary may elude our pets, but they all communicate in consistent ways. By learning to read their tails, ears, fur and vocalizations, we can become fluent in such foreign tongues as Siamese and Persian, Pekingese and Bernese.

Look at tail wags. In a study with the less-than-riveting title “Asymmetric tail-wagging responses by dogs to different emotive stimuli,” Italian scientists observed that dogs’ tails wag more to the right when they feel positive about a person or situation.

That’s intriguing because it reflects research in humans showing that the left brain, which controls the right side of the body, is associated with such feelings and emotions as affection, security and relaxation.

It’s a pretty cool discovery, but more important is the ability to read basic body language and know which wag means “I’m so happy to see you” and which one means you’re about to find a dog attached to the seat of your pants. For instance, a slow, stiff tail wag is more a warning than a welcome. This dog is signaling potential aggression. Most people know that confident dogs carry their tails up, while insecure pooches approach with tails tucked between their legs, but there are many other ways animals tell us what they're thinking.

Ears, for instance, are full of attitude. Both dogs and cats prick their ears up or forward to show interest and lay them back when they’re fearful.

Have you ever stroked a cat, only to have it suddenly strike at you with claws or teeth? If you had been paying closer attention, you might have noticed a fixed stare, flattened ears, flailing tail, fur standing on end or skin rippling beneath your hand.

Those are all signs that the cat is probably being overstimulated, says Marilyn Krieger, a certified cat behavior consultant from Redwood City, Calif. She says too many people don’t recognize signals that a cat is about to bite or scratch.

An ongoing learning process

Not everything we think we know about animal body language is correct. Some 20 years ago, a popular belief was the idea that people needed to communicate with dogs using wolf-pack behavior such as scruff shakes and “alpha rolls” — holding the dog on its back and staring at it.

Another misunderstanding involved how to establish leadership over dogs. Trainers advised owners to show they were in charge through such actions as entering doors before the dog or eating their own meals before feeding the dog.

“Some were led to believe these procedures would fix any behavior problem,” says Mary R. Burch, a certified applied animal behaviorist from Tallahassee, Fla., and author of “How Dogs Learn.”

While it's certainly important for your canine pal to recognize that you’re the top dog, such dominance techniques won’t magically solve all behavior problems.

What’s needed, Burch says, is specific training tailored to each behavior. She explains that the best way to communicate with any animal is to learn the basic principles of that animal’s behavior and respond fairly and consistently. Play, exercise and training will all enhance your relationship with your dog or cat

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